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Cat Cubbies (Wall Cat Cubbies)

Cat Cubbies give kitties an enclosed space where they can hide or nap and feel protected, yet be in the same room as their people and still feel a part of. They can spy on their surroundings without feeling exposed. Our selection of Wall Cat Cubbies can also an element of fun to any cat wall.


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Best Seller

Cat Wall Cubby - Enclosed Cat Bed

From $109.00
Best Seller

Deluxe Cat Cubby Bed (For Walls)

From $139.00

Cubby with Perches

The Cubby is a must!

We have the port hole cubby at the top of our cat wall and it was an instant hit! It’s both our cats new favorite nap location- they sleep in and on the cubby. They also play through the port hole which is absolutely hilarious to watch. Every cat needs a cubby 😻



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Photo showing 5 different options for Cubby Canvas. Options are: Slotted, Baby Dragon, Brick, Porthole, and Blank.

Design and Functionality

We make Cat Cubbies out of a modular system so that they can be incorporated with the rest of our furniture. They use four Mounting Planks, which can be connected to almost any of our other shelves or hammocks. Simply remove one of the Plank Tops and replace with items like Cat Hammocks, Scratching Poles, or Feeders.

Choose from 3 different layouts.  The first, is our Standard Cubby which is composed of two Cat Hammocks and a Cubby design of your choice over the front. Then we have our Cubby with Perches, which adds a sitting platform on both sides. These work well for creating an easier experience jumping in and out of them, or to use the ledge to access the top Hammock. Our Deluxe Cubby has a ledge on one side and a Planter pot on the other side, creating a more secluded cove by blocking off one of the access points.

After picking the best design for your cat and wall space, you can choose between 5 different styles of canvas fronts. Our best sellers are the Slotted and Baby Dragon. The circles cut out of the front work as a cat spy hole, but you can also use treats to persuade them to stick their heads through to turn them into a dragon or deep sea diver. The images are screen printed onto the canvas with art work by Kate Wilson. 

Grey cat peering curiously out of a Standard Cubby in Natural with Porthole canvas.

Behavior and Enrichment

Our cat Heisenberg is incredibly shy to the point that only a few people have seen him in real life because he has the ability to disappear almost instantly.

We developed these cubbies with him in mind. They provide a space where your cat can feel secure and hidden without needing to stay under the bed or couch. Having ample hiding spaces around the house helps our timid kitty feel more at ease since he has an abundance of safe spaces to dart into and safely observe when a visitor comes to call. Enrichment is very important for cats to live a happy life and there’s very little of that under the bed. To learn about things you can do to reduce your cat’s anxiety, please check out our blog.

  • In 2018, a study by Pet Obesity Prevention showed that 59.5% of the cats in the US were overweight.
  • Without enrichment, cats can develop behavioral issues like aggression, anxiety, attention-seeking, urinating or defecating outside of the litter box, eating disorders, or other disorders like over-grooming or scratching.

Installation Made Easy

Our furniture is designed to be installed with little or no prior experience.

We’ve compiled a huge amount of resources to help make installing your cat climbing wall a breeze. Let us walk you through the entire process with our Installation Guide, or learn about building an epic cat wall with our latest Design Tips.

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We work with some really knowledgeable cat behavior experts

Our furniture is designed to encourage cats to live a healthy life by promoting exercise and replicating enrichment sources they would have access to in the wild
Meet the experts

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